CAFM Enabler | Digitalokta

CAFM Enabler
Digital OKTA has teamed up with Rosmiman Intergrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) to produce the next generation of facilities management software: ROSMIMAN®IWMS Global Site. ROSMIMAN® IWMS Global Site provides for the comprehensive management of real estate assets, infrastructure, equipment and services, oering more detailed and automated data for improved analysis. The software, the natural evolution of traditional CMMS and CAFM systems of Rosmiman, others new capabilities, including:
- The ability to fully customize the software to the needs of each client
- Process optimization and operation cost savings
- Data reality analysis
- Business intelligence
Why Rosmiman
- 25 years’ of experience
- Technical innovation, research and development
- User-friendly, intuitive solutions tailored to the needs of each business or project
- Best price/functionalities ratio in the market
- Professional support services
- Professional team of certified engineers in project management